Product Detail
Amber Adult Black Necklace 46cm
Quick Overview
What is Baltic and Amber?: Baltic amber is an organic substance, a "fossil resin" produced by pine trees which grew in Northern Europe. The science of Amber has been used...Brand: Wee Rascals
What is Baltic and Amber?: Baltic amber is an organic substance, a "fossil resin" produced by pine trees which grew in Northern Europe. The science of Amber has been used for a variety of medically related reasons such as a natural analgesic, helping to fight inflammation, infections and respiratory disease. When you place the amber necklace next to your baby's warm skin, the amber releases healing oils which are naturally absorbed via the skin into the bloodstream. The powerful oils contain a very special ingredient known as succinic acid. Extensive scientific research bears witness to the fact that succinic acid can do wonders on the human body. For examples, succinic acid stimulates the thyroid glands to help reduce drooling, soothing red and inflamed gums and enhances calmative, analgesic, antispasmodic, expectorant, and febrifuge (anti-fever) functions.
How can Baltic Amber help us?
• Allows body to heal itself
• Radiates soothing energy and absorbs negative energy, thus needs cleansing often
• Calms nerves, stimulates intellect
• Aligns ethereal and physical energies, cleanses the environment
• Success in treating disorders of the kidney and bladder
• Allows body to heal itself
• Immune boosting properties
• Reduction in teething pain
• Anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties.
For Teething:
Natural Baltic amber teething necklaces have anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties, which make these necklaces the ideal solution for parents looking for a natural product to relieve the symptoms of teething.
For Breast Feeding:
In addition to the therapeutic aspects of having Baltic amber near the breast during feeding, which may help to reduce inflammation, tenderness and mastitis, A nursing necklace is designed to appeal to your baby's senses - vision, touch, hearing
Wash your Amber in warm water and leave in the sun to dry if you feel there is a build-up of soaps, dry and dead skin or any other things. These will all stop it from releasing its minerals into your skin and act as a barrier.
Spread one drop of olive oil over the amber with a soft cloth and buff until the olive oil is no longer present. This will restore the amber to the original shine.
Remove your amber necklace gently after wearing and avoid hitting it onto a counter or other hard object. Amber is brittle and may break with extreme force.